Finding the Right Hearing Aid Battery Type for Your Device

“What kind of battery does my hearing aid need?” is a hard question to answer generally, because there are numerous different types of hearing aids, and each needs a battery that matches it and offers enough energy to power it. For anyone that already owns a hearing aid the owner’s manual should state clearly which battery is required. Conversely you may contact the provider that fit you with the aid to ask. In the event that you do not wear a hearing aid yet and are still trying to choose which model and type is right for you, consider doing some research. The type of batteries that a hearing aid takes can greatly impact the lifetime value of the device because of differences in price and battery life.

The manufacturers of hearing aids and hearing aid batteries have made life simpler for you by coming up with a standardized color coding system, to help make locating the correct size easier. The sizes and types are all standard across manufacturers, so the color on the package is a dependable indicator of the battery type and size.

The primary hearing aid battery types are:

Batteries with a color code of orange are Size 13, and fit Behind-the-Ear (BTE) and In-the-Ear (ITE) types of hearing aids; their battery life is commonly around 240 hours.

A color code of brown indicates a Size 312 battery, typically found in In-The-Ear (ITE) and In-The-Canal (ITC) styles of hearing aids; due to their smaller size they generally have battery life near 175 hours.

Batteries with a color code of yellow are Size 10, and may be the easiest to obtain because they are typically used in Completely-In-Canal (CIC) and In-The-Canal (ITC) models of hearing aids; their battery lifespan is shorter, generally 80 hours.

The color blue corresponds to Size 675 batteries. These batteries are fairly large and will hold a long charge – up to 300 hours. Size 675 hearing aid batteries are prevalent in larger Behind-the-Ear (BTE) hearing aids and in cochlear implants.

These are the most widespread sizes of hearing aid batteries, however there are hearing aids that call for different ones. If yours requires one of these alternate types, most merchants that provide batteries can obtain them for you.

Be sure you consult the manual that comes with your device before purchasing batteries, because a number of the new hearing aids use rechargeable batteries, so disposable batteries are only needed for emergencies. To keep your hearing aid batteries fully charged after you buy them, always store them in the original unopened packages at room temperature.

The site information is for educational and informational purposes only and does not constitute medical advice. To receive personalized advice or treatment, schedule an appointment.